NETSTAP Research GmbH

NETSTAP Research GmbH

In 2003, the NETSTAP association spun off the NETSTAP Forschungs-GmbH with headquarters in Bochum. The board members are at the same time share holder of the Ltd. Thus, NETSTAP ensures and guarantees transparent as well as ethically, legally and financially impeccable conditions, on a national and international level.

Contract and budget negotiations are conducted through the GmbH. Usually, NETSTAP Forschungs-GmbH concludes the contracts, namely the Clinical Study Agreements (CSAs) with the sponsors and/or the Contract Research Organizations (CRO).

In addition, investigator contracts are concluded between NETSTAP-Forschungs-GmbH and the involved study centers, respectively, which additionally regulate payment transactions and further services between NETSTAP and the study sites, always close to the terms of the CSAs.


NETSTAP Research Ltd.
CEO Prof. Dr. med. Albrecht Bufe
Henkenbergstraße 24
44797 Bochum, Germany.

Local Court Bochum, HRB 12017